Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is also referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Eight million people in the United States are believed to have some form of ADHD. Treatments can be effective in managing the symptoms of ADHD. Contact Dr. Brendel to discuss the best care options for you.

Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

In the last couple of decades, there has been growing recognition of the impact of ADHD in both children and adults. The “mental health pandemic,” which ran in parallel with the Covid-19 pandemic, heightened people’s understanding of the condition even more.

So many people in the U.S. and around the world are struggling with unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety related to concerns about work, school, social relationships, and physical health. These challenges often outstrip people’s ability to cope and can either cause or exacerbate ADHD.

Changes in work patterns stemming from the pandemic, especially with work from home and hybrid work models, exacerbated many people’s difficulties with ADHD symptoms. People are still struggling to adapt to the changes. Recognition of ADHD can help people improve their quality of life and achieve optimal work performance.

The symptoms of ADHD can include problems with mental focus, concentration, and task completion. All of this can worsen people’s work performance and productivity, whether they are in challenging jobs or in school. Remote work, often by video conference, can be especially difficult for some people with ADHD.

Drawing on my experience as a psychiatrist who has specialized in ADHD for more than two decades, I support patients to navigate through difficulties with a combination of treatments which can include medications, executive function coaching, and various wellness strategies such as mindfulness work. These evidence-based therapeutic approaches to ADHD symptoms can be remarkably effective. I have worked with many patients whose treatment has completely transformed their emotional, social, and work lives for the better.

In the context of ADHD, I emphasize a holistic treatment approach which may include some or all of the following:
1. Pharmacotherapy: Using medications such as psychostimulants and non-stimulants to manage symptoms.
2. Psychotherapy and Executive Coaching: Implementing cognitive-behavioral strategies to enhance organizational skills, priority setting, time management, coping mechanisms, and achievement of peak performance.
3. Lifestyle Changes: Encouraging improvements in sleep patterns, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness strategies, and mental downtime to support overall well-being and productivity.
4. Philosophical Counseling: Enhancing self-awareness to help individuals understand their condition and develop strategies for managing it effectively.

My approach is highly personalized and customized. I carefully consider the unique needs and circumstances of each patient, while addressing the mind-body aspects of ADHD by integrating medical, psychological, and behavioral perspectives.

As an experienced ADD/ADHD Psychiatrist nearby in the Boston-area, I hope that I can help you or your loved one. Book an appointment online with ZocDoc, contact me today via telephone on (617) 932-1548 or email

Types of ADHD

ADHD is a common childhood disorder that persists into adulthood for one-third to one-half of people diagnosed with it. There are three types of ADHD: predominately hyperactive-impulse, predominantly inattentive, and combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Doctors diagnose the type of ADHD based on the number of symptoms in each category.

Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms vary by type of ADHD. For predominantly inattentive ADHD, typical symptoms for the person include being easily distracted, missing details, and frequently switching between activities. They may also have difficulty focusing his attention on just one thing and may become bored with a task after only a few minutes – and this happens repeatedly.

Inattention may also be seen in difficulty organizing a new task or completing a task, and the results may be seen in school and in the workplace in the form of failed or incomplete assignments. People with inattention and ADHD often lose things needed to complete their tasks.

The symptoms for people with hyperactive ADHD include a near-constant desire to be moving, Persisting, fidgeting and squirming, and talking almost nonstop. People with hyperactive ADHD persist in their movements and fidgeting even when it is inappropriate and not in their interests to do so, e.g., at school during class or work. This hyperactivity can make it very difficult for the person to complete tasks at school or work.

Impulsivity symptoms include a strong degree of impatience even when this is not appropriate for the person at school or work. Other symptoms can include blurting out inappropriate comments and acting without regard for consequences. People with impulsive ADHD can also display their emotions without appropriate restraint and often interrupt other activities and conversations.

Treatments for ADHD

There are a number of treatments that can be effective for patients in managing the symptoms of ADHD. For many patients, a combination of medication, education, and therapy is the most effective.

If you believe that you or someone you care about suffers from ADHD, please get in touch with me via email or schedule an appointment online.

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