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Philosophy of mind in the clinic: The relation between causal and meaningful explanation in psychiatry.
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Multifactorial causation of mental disorders: A proposal to improve the DSM.
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‘In sleep I almost never grope’: Blindness, neuropsychiatric deficits, and a chaotic upbringing.
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The ethics of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigm choice in psychiatry.
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‘I see dead people’: Overcoming psychic numbness.
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Reductionism, eclecticism, and pragmatism in psychiatry: The dialectic of clinical explanation.
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A pragmatic consideration of the relation between depression and melancholia.
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The institutional ego: A psychoanalytic consideration of ethics review.
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Healing psychiatry: A pragmatic approach to bridging the science/humanism divide.
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Beyond Engel: Clinical pragmatism as the foundation of psychiatric practice.
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Pluralism in action.
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Psychophysical causation and a pragmatist approach to human behavior.
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A plea for pragmatism in clinical research ethics.
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The diversification of psychiatric ethics.
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The use of palliative sedation for existential distress: A psychiatric perspective.
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Ethics consultation to PACT teams: Balancing client autonomy and clinical necessity
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Medical professionalism in the age of online social networking.
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Patient-targeted googling: The ethics of searching online for patient information.
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Review of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide.
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Psychoanalytic psychotherapy needs to “count.”
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Psychoanalysis, neuropsychiatry, and the mind: A philosophical inquiry into the contemporary status of psychological explanation.
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"David Brendel's masterful book is more urgent than ever.....This is an important book that should be on the bookshelf, or better yet, in the hands of every psychiatrist, clinician, and philosopher interested in mental health."
Carol Steinberg Gould Professor of Philosophy, Florida Atlantic University
"American psychiatry, in its commitment to biological determinism, is in danger of dehumanizing the patient it is attempting to cure. To heal itself, psychiatry must change its philosophical assumptions. I believe that Brendel is absolutely right that it needs to adopt a skeptical, pragmatic, pluralistic outlook. This is an important contribution to the philosophy of psychiatry."
Arnold H. Modell, M. D. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
- B.A. Yale University, Summa cum laude
- M.D. Harvard Medical School
- Ph. D. University of Chicago (Philosophy)
- Resident in Psychiatry Massachussets General Hospital / McLean Hospital Adult Psychiatry Residency Program
- Chief Resident in Psychiatry McLean Hospital (Affiliated with Harvard Medical School)
- Faculty Fellow Harvard University Center for Ethics and Professions
- Psychiatrist Practicing in the Boston Area
- Award Winning Teacher of Medical Ethics and Professionalism
- Author, Healing Psychiatry (MIT Press)
- Certified Executive Coach (Leading Minds Executive & Personal Coaching)
- Radio Show Host, VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel
- Media Consultant - ABC News
Past Administrative Responsibilities
- Medical Director of Psychiatric Services / Walden Behavioral Care (Waltham, MA)
- Chairman / Institutional Review Board , McLean Hospital
- Director / Human Research Ethics , McLean Hospital
- Associate Director / The Pavilion, McLean Hospital