Get Help From A Highly Experienced Psychiatrist
Get Help From A Highly Experienced Psychiatrist
A hallmark of some psychiatric conditions, such as major depression, is a lack of self-care and motivation to seek help. Other conditions, such as bipolar disorder and psychosis, are marked by a lack of insight and understanding that anything is wrong at all. Many patients have simply lost hope that they’ll ever get better, and some are too anxious or afraid to speak with a psychiatrist.
So many patients are skeptical that a mental health professional can add any value to their life. For the patient’s family and loved ones, these harsh realities can be a major source of frustration, worry, and fear. But the patient’s loved ones often can have a more positive influence over the situation than they realize. Leveraging the support of family and loved ones may be essential and transformative.
Families often struggle to convince loved ones that they need to see a doctor for evaluation and treatment of their mental health needs. In many such cases, I consult with family members to discuss the situation in-depth and explore options for supporting their loved one. Later on, I might see the patient too, as long as there is transparency about my initial consultation with the family and if the patient expressly chooses to pursue an evaluation with me. In other cases, I might suggest that a different clinician see the patient, while I work with the family on how best to cope with the stress that can result from having a family member struggling with a psychiatric disorder.
If you have a loved one who is suffering from a psychiatric problem but is reluctant or unwilling to seek treatment, I might be able to help. Feel free to contact me to schedule a family consultation. The primary goals of the session would be to develop strategies to communicate effectively with your loved one and guide them toward receiving the help they need.