Bipolar disorder is generally characterized by unusual shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. There are treatments for bipolar disorder and people with this condition can lead full, engaged and productive lives.
Dr. Brendel’s Experience with Bipolar Disorder Treatment
I have treated patients with all types of Bipolar Disorder for several years and continue to treat psychiatric patients with Bipolar today. There are a number of therapeutic approaches to Bipolar that have been to shown to be effective in helping patients manage the symptoms of this disease.
As an expert in treating Bipolar, I know I can help you or your loved one. Please contact me today via telephone on (617) 932-1548 or email Appointments can also be booked online via my ZocDoc page.
Diagnosing bipolar disorder can be difficult. Everyone experiences changes or swings in moods. They are part of the natural rhythms of daily life as we experience normal joys and sorrows. People with bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotions that are referred to as “mood episodes.” A mood that is overly joyful or overly excited is referred to as a manic episode.
An extremely sad mood or feeling of hopelessness is called a depressive episode. People with bipolar disorder can experience extreme swings in their moods, energy, activity, sleep and behavior as they move from a manic to a depressive episode and then back again. In severe cases, the intensity of these emotions and other behaviors can impair the person’s functioning at home, school or work.
Some of the symptoms of a manic episode include: a long period of feeling “high” and happy, and outgoing; extremely irritable and jumpy; a feeling of being “wired;” talking very fast and jumping from one thought to another; being easily distracted or restless and impulsive.
Symptoms of a depressive episode include: a long period of feeling worried or empty along with a loss of interest in pleasurable activities; feeling tired or run down for an extended period; having problems making decisions, and changing eating or sleeping habits.
There are four different types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar I disorder is generally defined by manic or mixed episodes that last at least seven days at a time. It is not diagnosed unless the mania or depression is a significant change from the person’s normal behavior.
Bipolar II disorder generally includes depressive episodes but not full-blown manic episodes. This person experiences “highs” that are less than full mania and these are referred to as hypomania episodes.
There are two other types: bipolar disorder not otherwise specified and Cyclothymic disorder (Cyclothemia). Both of these are generally milder forms of bipolar disorder. Sometimes people are diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder. As the name implies, these people experience shifts from a manic episode to a depressive episode much faster than others.
There are a number of treatments for bipolar disorder. There have been significant advances in our understanding of this condition and of the effects of different treatments on it. Treatment for bipolar disorder can involve medicines or psychotherapy or combinations of both.
If you think that you or someone you care about may be suffering from bipolar disorder, please contact me by email or call (617) 932-1548. Appointments can also be booked online via my ZocDoc page.