There are many medical disorders that can cause psychiatric problems. And some psychiatric disorders present with physical symptoms. Expert care is required to diagnose and treat "co-morbid" medical and psychiatric illness.
My Experience As a Specialist in Medical/Psychiatric Conditions
Certain medical conditions may cause psychiatric disorders or complicate the health status of an individual undergoing psychiatric treatment. These conditions include:
- Endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism and other hormone imbalances)
- Seizures
- Brain tumors and other central nervous system (CNS) conditions
- Anemia and other blood disorders
- Kidney disease
- Cirrhosis and other liver diseases
- Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases and infections
- Lupus and other rheumatological disorders
These medical and neurological conditions often need to be diagnosed and treated in order to ensure safe, effective psychiatric care. This is important because the medical or neurological condition may actually be the main cause of the psychiatric symptoms. Unrecognized and untreated medical problems may slow or even prevent progress in psychiatric treatment.
My practice of psychiatry is based in an understanding of these possibilities. In all of my clinical work, I am committed to ensuring careful consideration of medical/neurological factors when appropriate. This often involves collaborating with well-trained and highly experienced medical colleagues.
I am fortunate to have my colleague Gerald J. Bargman, M.D. be available to my patients as needed. Dr. Bargman is a renowned expert in internal medicine, pediatrics, genetics, endocrinology, and eating disorders. He is available to my patients for consultation regarding diagnosis and possible treatment of medical problems associated with their psychiatric condition. Dr. Bargman and I also work closely with a patient’s primary care physician if so desired.
Beside my work with Dr. Bargman, I maintain collegial relations with multiple medical and neurology specialists around Boston and beyond. This allows me to refer my patients to appropriate clinicians whenever they need medical care in addition to what I can provide in my practice of psychiatry.